And here we go!

Tomorrow is my last day of work at the bank. I have to say that I am pretty happy about that because it means that we will be able to totally focus both of our efforts on getting to Ireland.

Also, tomorrow, we are heading up to Wisconsin to be the missionaries at Camp AWANA. We are just going to do some short presentations and hang out with the campers as much as we can. I hope that we will make somewhat of an impact there, since we won't be there for very long. Only about two full days. I wish that we could stay for longer, but we will also be heading out to Arizona to Stephen's parent's church to be the missionaries for their VBS, Stephen will preach, and we will give a more full presentation there as well. Please be praying for us that everything will come together smoothly.

What I really hope with all of this traveling, and presenting that we will be doing is that people will be able to see the need in Ireland, without being there, and that they will see our true hearts. I just hope that we can display that well. I also hope that they will believe, as Stephen and I do, that it is not hopeless for the Irish people. That God still loves them so much and wants to be their God. That Jesus died for them too.

Alright, I need to pack.
