
At the start of February, Stephen and I heard that in Ireland, they actually view February as the beginning of spring! December, January, and February are the coldest months here, so that didn't make any sense to me. Also, this winter here has been especially cold, wet, and windy. It seems like you never get a break from the drearyness!

So, as much as I wanted to, I refused to believe that February was the beginning of spring. At least in the Wisconsin, you could have snow, even around Easter!

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And then I noticed.... the days have been warmer. The sun actually has come out now and again. Flowers are blooming. Birds that have been gone all winter are starting to come back.

I start to think that it might be the beginning of spring!

.... and just when I think that, it starts to get cold and snows one day. Then it warms up again. I think the Irish weather is going to have to try hard to convince me that February is the start of spring.
