On the Move: To the States, Visiting Churches, & Our Son

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On Amtrak to Missouri

Almost a week ago we made our trek across the big pond back to the States. Elisha did alright on the flight, although he did have his moments of being "that kid" but he was most likely less crabby in general than most adults on the plane. We were able to spend a day with Alisa's family and then we were on our way down to Missouri.

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Elisha & Grandpa & Grandma Amundson

This last Sunday Stephen presented and preached at Philadelphia Christian Church. After church they had a fish fry. Yum! It was great to be able to visit with everyone there.

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Stephen preaching

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Elisha asleep in Great Grandma's arms

That evening we drove up to Dallas, Iowa to speak at Dallas Christian Church. This was the first time we have met everyone from that church. It was nice to finally put some faces to the church. Stephen gave an update to everyone on what we are doing while I provided childcare.

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at Dallas Christian Church

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So, as you can see, we have been on the move. Elisha has gone with us, but he is also on the move. He loves to pull himself up and get into everything. He isn't quite walking yet, but, I wouldn't be surprised if he is walking by the time we get back to Ireland.
